Saturday, 28 January 2012


The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

The Secretary of State for Scotland Michael Moore described the first meeting of the Scottish Emergency Towing Vessel Group in Edinburgh this afternoon as "a positive step in the right direction".

He was speaking after chairing the group which is investigating potential long-term solutions for emergency towing cover in waters around the Northern and Western Isles. The original contract ended a fortnight ago and the UK Government announced it had secured interim funding for three months to cover the ETVs. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) awarded the new 90-day contract to JP Knight last Friday. The tugs were back on station at the weekend.

The Scottish ETV Group saw representatives of Shetland, Orkney, Highland and the Western Isles Councils as well as the MCA, Department for Transport, Marine Scotland, KIMO and the Chamber of Shipping discuss the outline approach to the issue. The Scotland Office Minister David Mundell also attended.

Michael Moore said: "This was a practical and constructive first meeting. We are determined to do everything we can to find a viable, long term alternative. Our discussions today were focused on what Scotland needs from its ETVs and what the options may be in finding a long-term replacement. We worked well across a wide range of interests and I am confident we can put the huge level of expertise and experience represented on the Group to good work."

The Convener of Orkney Council Stephen Hagan welcomed today's meeting on behalf of the Group.  He commented: "We are pleased that the Government is looking for a long-term solution and we are happy to play our part to work towards that.  We are hopeful that we can reach an outcome that is mutually acceptable."

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Friday, 27 January 2012

No Plans to Devolve Energy Policy in Wales

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

Speaking following a Westminster Hall debate on energy policy in Wales, Wales Office Minister David Jones said “There is no compelling evidence to support such a change.  Developers of new energy projects in Wales need a streamlined decision-making process that can be relied on.

“The current system provides that.  We do, of course, need to ensure that the views of local communities are heard when decisions, particularly in relation to wind farms, are taken.  The current system does that, and the Welsh Government’s TAN 8 advice is one of the factors taken into account before a decision is reached.”

Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change, Charles Hendry, said:  “The Government’s policy on this is absolutely clear: subject to the Localism Bill receiving Royal Assent, we believe that the right decision maker for major energy infrastructure in England and Wales is the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change.  We believe that a streamlined planning system that minimises delay and unpredictability and ensures investor confidence is best delivered through a unified planning system for major energy projects in England and Wales.

“While I welcome today’s debate as a contribution to the discussion on this issue, I hope that the Government’s position is clear on why there will be no change to the existing process.”

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Thursday, 26 January 2012

A Modern NHS – putting patients and health professionals in the driving seat

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

Following the summer recess, the Government will today take further steps in its plans to put patients at the heart of the health service and make the NHS world class.

The Health and Social Care Bill will return to Parliament today to discuss the Government’s plans to modernise the NHS and to safeguard it for the future.

The Bill’s core principle of modernising the NHS is to create a stronger health system:

    * where the Secretary of State will continue, as now, to promote and be accountable for a comprehensive health service;
    * driven by health professionals, not Whitehall and bureaucracy;
    * where patients and the public are in the driving seat of their care, supported with more choice, information and control;
    * with greater integration of services;
    * with a new ‘Duty of Candour’, a contractual requirement on providers to be open and transparent in admitting mistakes, and;
    * That’s focused on prevention and tackling the causes of poor health and health inequalities.

In addition, the Government has previously outlined safeguards that protect against price competition, privatisation and private companies ‘cherry-picking’ profitable NHS business.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

I have just been notified of this opportunity for students registered for a PhD in a science, science policy, technology or an engineering subject. I have to confess I am not sure of the detail of how it works but there is a link below which you can go to find out more information – seems a very interesting one-off opportunity.

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) is an Office of the two Houses of Parliament (Commons and Lords), set up in 1989 and charged with providing balanced and independent analyses of science and technology-based issues of relevance to Parliament.

Most of the UK research councils and several learned societies have special collaborative schemes with POST which enable doctoral students who are supported by them to undertake parliamentary fellowships.  In the past, POST has had numerous approaches from doctoral students who do not qualify for such support, such as students on university fellowships or those sponsored by other councils or learned societies. It is to provide an opening for such persons that the Parliamentary Science and Technology Information Foundation  (PSTIF) has decided to initiate, to mark POST’s 20th anniversary, a special Open Fellowship at POST.

This Fellowship provides the opportunity for a UK-based PhD student to undertake a 3 month placement at POST, with the aim of working on a science policy topic of interest to the Fellow and POST through the production of a short briefing note (POSTnote) for Parliamentarians or by other activity, such as assistance to a parliamentary committee of either the House of Commons or House of Lords.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Friday, 20 January 2012

Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

Today the Home Office fulfilled its earlier commitment to publish draft terror legislation to be used in exceptional circumstances.

The review of counter-terrorism and security powers in January this year concluded that there may be exceptional circumstances where it would be necessary for the Government to seek Parliamentary approval for additional measures.

The Enhanced Terrorism and Investigation Measures Bill follows acknowledgement in the government's review of CT powers, published in January, that enhanced measures are necessary in extraordinary circumstances.

In a statement to Parliament in January the Home Secretary Theresa May made clear the need for additional security measures in exceptional circumstances.

She said: 'We want to prepare for this possibility while ensuring that such powers are used only when absolutely necessary.

'So we will publish, but not introduce, legislation allowing more stringent measures, including curfews and further restrictions on communications, association and movement.

'These measures will require an even higher standard of proof to be met and would be introduced if in exceptional circumstances they were required to protect the public from the threat of terrorism.

'We will invite the Opposition to discuss this draft legislation with us on Privy Council terms. These powers would be enacted only with the agreement of both Houses of Parliament.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Minister Praises Thriving Oil and Gas Sector

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

Energy Minister Charles Hendry today used a speech to the Offshore Europe Conference in Aberdeen to highlight the continued importance of the North Sea to the UK’s economic prosperity, and to declare the UK’s oil and gas industry open for new business.

In his speech the Minister also announced two major developments in the UK Continental Shelf. These are:

• consent for Chevron’s Aberlour well – the company’s third deepwater exploration well off the west and north of Shetland, which will use the hi-tech drilling ship the Stena Carron
• approval of BP’s Field Development Plan for Kinnoull, which will be connected to the company’s Andrew platform and produce up to 45,000 barrels of oil a day

Speaking at the Offshore Europe Conference in Aberdeen, Energy Minister Charles Hendry said:

“Since we started exploring and producing in UK waters, we have been at the leading edge of a worldwide industry. And we still are. This year is shaping up to be our best year for new developments in at least a decade.

“The developments announced today on Aberlour and Kinnoull and the level of interest here at the conference are clear evidence that the UK oil and gas sector continues to thrive."

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &


The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Caroline Spelman, has this afternoon announced that the Government is prioritising the needs of the countryside, after over a decade of neglect, with three principle goals.

Reconnecting the countryside with the Government; better protecting the natural environment; playing our part in cutting the deficit and generating economic growth.

Speaking at Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, Caroline Spelman said:

"This is a Government is prepared to act. And act in the interests of the long term. Nowhere is it more vital than for the environment. Our generation has a duty to restore it for the next. Our children, and theirs, depend on us getting it right. And what's more, this government and this country should be leading by example."

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &


The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is monitoring progress on the coalition government’s strategy on public sector Equality Duty.

The public sector Equality Duty came into force on 5 April 2011. The duty was introduced via the Equality Act 2010. It covers age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, and gender reassignment.

Developing and implementing the policy requires public bodies to have ‘due regard’ for the following:

• Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
• Advance equality of opportunity
• Foster good relations between people from different groups.

The Equality Duty is designed to support good decision-making. The term ‘due regard’ refers to consideration of how public bodies’ activities affects different people. It is intended to ensure that policies and services are accessible and appropriate to all.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

Since Housing Minister Grant Schapps announced, in August 2011, plans to give councils financial freedoms to improve, buy and build new housing for their local communities, the government has embarked upon a regeneration programme which is shifting control and decision-making away from central government to local authorities, local businesses, communities and city leaders.

Some of the leading projects/programmes are: the construction of 100,000 new homes on formerly used public land; a £500mn Growing Places Fund to prioritise local building and infrastructure projects; a low deposit scheme for new home-buyers; a Get Britain Building fund to re-invigorate building sites where progress has stalled; and handing over ‘transformative’ and ‘growth stimulating’ powers to the UK’s largest cities.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &


The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is monitoring progress on the coalition government’s strategy on drug misuse.

On 17 October 2011, the Home Office launched an advertising campaign to encourage young people to ‘talk to FRANK’. FRANK was set up in 2003 as a means of offering accurate and impartial information to young people about the harm that drugs can cause.

It is claimed that the service has been well received, with 80 per cent of young people aware of its existence and 68 per cent reporting that they would turn to it for advice. FRANK is also there to help adults who may want to access the service for their own benefit, to help their children if they are using drugs or to help someone else who they know is at risk of drug misuse.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &


The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is monitoring progress on the coalition government’s strategy on transport and the environment.

This article outlines progress so far of the Bikeability project — a cycling proficiency programme designed to provide the next generation with the skills and confidence required to cycle on today’s busy roads.

For the financial year 2011/12, £11mn has been earmarked to provide 275,000 cycle training places to school children aged 10–11. Norman Baker, Transport Minister, stated on 19 October 2011 that £2,083,976 had been allocated to 206 schools across England, funding over 50,000 Bikeability training places.

Bikeability has received the support of more than 20 professional organisations, among them the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, as well as various cross-government departments, for example the Department for Transport, Department for Children, Schools and Families and the Department of Health.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition.

This article outlines some of the key strategies of the programme and the progress made so far since the introduction of Apprenticeship Week in February 2011. It follows the take-up of apprenticeships, the emphasis on creating parity with university degrees for higher apprenticeships, investment through the Higher Apprenticeship Fund and simplification of the apprenticeship process. It also looks at which sectors have benefited already from the policies implemented and the various types of investment available. In the words of Vince Cable, Business Secretary, “This government is committed to skilling up our workforce through work-based training. By providing concentrated seed funding for employer-led projects that attract further investment from business, we’re targeting money where it will be best placed to drive growth.”

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

The Parliamentary Information Office

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

One of the major subjects for debate both within and outside Parliament is the coalition government’s commitment to the apprenticeship programme as a means of building up the skills that UK companies need to fuel long-term growth.

This brief article summarises the situation as it stands today. We shall be adding to the article as there are further developments and any changes to the plans will be reflected in the content. The full report will be published in print and online in the next edition of the Parliamentary Yearbook.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Friday, 13 January 2012

European Parliament Information Office

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

The parliamentary information office is publishing a yearbook annually and that they are publishing from over 30 years now and they have been great in the work as the information gathered by them is very useful and very effective as well. The yearbook has served as the reference work for the members and also the staff and for both the houses of parliament in the UK and also for the European parliament and for a wide public and private sector audience in the UK and overseas.

There are three major distinct function of the Parliamentary Information Office which is very important and they are as follows:

The first and the most important function of the parliamentary information office is that provide information on topical political, social and business issues to clients of the Parliamentary Yearbook and to members of the public

Secondly, it carries out research into such aspects of public and business life that may be of interest to a wider audience for inclusion in reports and features within the Parliamentary Yearbook

Thirdly, to assess the value of the publication to the potential readership in specific market sectors and ensure that the publication reaches the best possible target audience

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Parliamentary Information Office - Parliamentary Yearbook

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

The year book is something which is published by the parliament information office every year which contains all the important information related to the all the important and major aspects happening in the country and this information is published on the yearly basis and it is very important and useful for many it is going on from past 30 years and has served as an essential reference to the members and also the staff of parliamentary house of UK and also for the European parliament and also for a wider public and private sector audience in the UK and overseas.

The parliamentary information office has the three distinct functions which they keep in mind and perform their work and those functions are as follows:

They make sure that they provide information which are related to all tropical political social and also the business related issues to the client of the parliamentary yearbook and also to the members of the public.

The second function of the parliamentary information office is that they research into many aspects which are related to the public and the business life as well and they are useful for a wider audience for inclusion in reports and features within the parliamentary yearbook.

The third major distinct function of the parliamentary information office is to assess the value of the publication to the potential readership in specific market sectors and ensure that the publication reaches the best possible target audience.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Parliamentary Yearbook Information Office

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

Parliamentary information office is a office which is very useful and the year book that they publish every year is playing a major part in giving all the necessary information to the parliament members and also the staff as well as many public and private sectors and also the European parliament and also for the public audience which are in United Kingdom as well as the audience overseas. The work that they have been doing is very essential and is helpful in many ways and thus the parliamentary information office is very important.
There are three distinct functions which are followed by the parliamentary information office and they are as follows:

Parliament information office provides with many important information which are on the basis of the topical political, social and also on the business related issues that are of the clients of the parliamentary yearbook and also the member of the public.

The second function of the parliament information office is that they carry many important researches that are related to the public and the business life that may be of the interest to a wider audience for inclusion in reports and features within the parliamentary yearbook.

The third distinct function of the parliament information office is that they value the publication the potential readership in specific market sectors and ensure that the publication reaches the best possible target audience.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Parliamentary Information Office

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

Parliamentary information office public a year book and they have been publishing this year book for more than 30 years now and they have been very useful and essential for all those who are working with the parliamentary house and not just then that have also been proved very useful for the members as well and also the European parliament and also for the public and the private sector audience in the United Kingdom and overseas.

The parliamentary information office has many distinct functions and to sum them up they have three distinct function and they are:

Parliamentary information office provides information on the topical political, social and also the business issues of the client who is the client of the parliament yearbook and also the members of the public.

The second distinct function of the parliament information office is that they carry out many researches in the aspects of the public and business life which may be of the interest to a wider audience which are included in the reports and features which are within the parliamentary yearbook. And the third distinct function of the parliament information office is that they assess value of the publication to the potential readership in specific market sectors and ensure they also make sure that the those publication reaches the target audience which is the best.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Gathering News Items For Major Features On Diversity

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

Would you spot abuse? - The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on diversity in the next edition. Equalities Minister, Lynne Featherstone today launched a powerful advertising campaign to challenge the attitudes of teenagers to violence and abuse in relationships. With 75 per cent of girls and 50 per cent of boys reporting that they have experienced some form of emotional abuse, the TV, cinema, outdoor and online advertising campaign helps teenagers recognise abusive behaviour at an early stage, before it escalates to physical violence. The adverts point young people to the 'This is abuse' campaign website(Opens in a new window) where they can find information, seek help and chat with their peers. The site is designed to encourage sharing of the campaign materials across social networks and will also host live web chats with experts.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Boost for employers as apprenticeships red tape is slashed

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

Skills Minister John Hayes today announced a package of new measures to make it easier for employers to take on large numbers of apprentices. Responding to the recommendations of a review led by the Employer Reference Group, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and large companies, including BT and TUI Travel, Mr Hayes said that firms that contract directly with the Government to train apprentices will now benefit from simplified payment, reporting and assessment requirements. They will also receive better guidance to help them manage the recruitment, training and assessment of apprentices more efficiently and cost effectively.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Friday, 6 January 2012

Students Get The Facts On Going To University In 2012

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition.

An army of recent graduates are hitting the road to tell students about the changes to the university finance system coming into effect next year.

Graduates will lead the student finance tour giving presentations to explain the new student finance system and the financial help that is available. Students and their families will also be offered one-to-one advice about going to university.

Universities and science minister david willetts today joined english literature and drama graduate holly hughes at exeter college for one of the first resentations.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Restoring Our Environment For The Next Generation

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Caroline Spelman, has this afternoon announced that the Government is prioritizing the needs of the countryside, after over a decade of neglect, with three principle goals.

Reconnecting the countryside with the Government; better protecting the natural environment; playing our part in cutting the deficit and generating economic growth.

Speaking at Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, Caroline Spelman said:

"This is a Government is prepared to act. And act in the interests of the long term. Nowhere is it more vital than for the environment. Our generation has a duty to restore it for the next. Our children, and theirs, depend on us getting it right. And what's more, this government and this country should be leading by example."

She also said:
"For far too long the economy of this country has been unbalanced. Not just "north-south", but "rural-urban". It's one of the factors that's brought us to where we are today. And we need to fix it."

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Uk Government To Provide Interim Funding For Shetland And Stornaway Etvs

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

The Secretary of State for Scotland Michael Moore today confirmed up to £3 million of interim funding will be provided from the UK Government for replacement tugboats in the Northern and Western Isles. Funding will be delivered on an exceptional basis for three months to allow final attempts to secure a long-term replacement to continue

Commercial and salvage industry can be used by operators to assist ships in difficulty. There are a variety of means of securing this form of assistance if needed, including invoking powers to secure vessels from commercial providers. We are confident that if a vessel of this kind is required, there are sufficient commercial operators available to draw on.

The Minister will convene a meeting of a UK ETV group shortly and further details will be announced in due course.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &
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