Saturday, 24 November 2012

Info Shared

Parliamentary Information on Internet: As a matter of interest, do these honours increase the pensions of those employed within the Public Service - it would not surprise me at all if they did.  Another nice little hidden 'bonus'.

Parliamentary Information on Internet: The comment that in the last list 72% of 1,200 ie 864 awards went to those actively engaged in charitable or voluntary work. That leaves 336 awards for other reasons.
I would be interested to see the proportions those numbers bear to the number they are drawn from eg 864 from SAY 1,000,000 around the country doing charitable/voluntary work (ie 0.0864%) and 336 from SAY 10,000 Civil servants (ie 3.36%)
Suggests the awards are skewed.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Parliamentary Information On Internet

Parliamentary Information on Internet: More blogs to read.

Parliamentary Information on Internet: More forum for helpful discussion.

Parliamentary Information on Internet: Social Media supports sharing of beneficial information.

Parliamentary Information on Internet: Articles give complete view of information.

Parliamentary Information Office can be the bridge between people and information.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Independence Referendum Question

parliamentary information office: Mrs Curran said this showed he is “willing to fix the rules of the referendum to suit his own ends” and introduce “an uneven playing field into the biggest decision Scots will ever take”.

Want to know why Curran said this! Apparantly the 'Better Together campaign' want to spend more money than the Yes campaign on advertising their opinion.

Now call me a silly sentimental fool but surely equal amounts of advertising would be fair!

I may be wrong, of course!

parliamentary information office: I notice that, in another article today, Simon Johnson happily indulges Margaret Curran's accusations that the SNP is guilty of 'casual dishonesty'. As a little extra, Mr Johnson goes on: ' Mr Salmond has claimed he could not commission legal advice about a separate
Scotland’s EU status until the Edinburgh Agreement was signed', and selectively quotes a couple of sceptics on this point.

Nothing at all, however, about the investigation of this issue by Scotland's senior law officer, the Lord Advocate, and his vindication of the SNP's position: in his view, it was 'sensible and prudent of the Scottish Government not to seek
specific legal advice before the signing of the Edinburgh Agreement with
the UK Government'.

This judgement was available to Simon Johnson yesterday. It completely discredits the charge he was trying to establish in the minds of Telegraph readers, in support of Mrs Curran's accusations. Did he not know about it, because he is just not very well-informed about Scottish politics? Or did he choose not to report it - a true case of 'casual dishonesty'?

parliamentary information office: One of the stock reasons that British Unionists give for why Trident has to be based on the Clyde is that the the Sea Lochs of the Western Scotland are normally covered in cloud, so satellites cannot spy on the base. This makes Faslane an ideal site for the nuclear deterrent.

According to Google, this is a either at worst a lie or at best a crock of BS.

Parliamentary Information Office for news on business, social activities, politics, education.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Significant Politics Information

parliamentary information office: What is the point of government being an entitlement system for MPS? What is needed is a government that is competent to serve the people. There is a massive imbalance regardless of race sex etc of MPs from the public sector or who have no life experience whatsoever outside of politics. The top echelon in all parties largely have no experience outside of politics and are too young to have had useful experience in the world. We need a far more balanced parliament with a drastically higher percentage who have worked at high levels in the private sector for many years who can bring in expertise the bureaucrats and politicians totally lack of dealing with complex financial situations. Kids with no experience outside the public sector regardless of sex or race are not up to the job and have proved it.

parliamentary information office:
The Tory political faction emerged within the Parliament of England to uphold the legitimist rights of James, Duke of York to succeed his brother Charles II to the throne. James II was a Catholic, while the state institutions had broken from the Catholic Church—this was an issue for the Exclusion Bill supporting Whigs, the political heirs to the nonconformist Roundheads and Covenanters. There were two Tory ministries under James II; the first led by Lord Rochester, the second by Lord Belasyse. Some were later involved in his usurpation with the Whigs, which they saw as defending the Anglican Church. Tory sympathy for the Stuarts ran deep however and some supported Jacobitism, which saw them isolated by the Hanoverians until Lord Bute's ministry under George III. Conservatism emerged by the end of the 18th century—which synthesised moderate Whig positions and some of the old Tory values to create a new political ideology, in opposition to the French Revolution. The likes of Edmund Burke and William Pitt the Younger led the way in this. Due to this faction eventually leading to the formation of the Conservative Party, members of that party are colloquially referred to as Tories, even if they are not traditionalists. Actual adherents to traditional Toryism in contemporary times tend to be referred to as High Tories to avoid confusion.

parliamentary information office:
Quotas would just lower the already dreadfully low standard of our MP's We have today an example of a Nadine Dories who has decided that making a few bob on I'm A Celebrity is more important than serving her constituents. Her lame excuse is Parliament is in recess and there was me thinking that all these MP’s were busy doing constituency work when Westminster is in recess, well that’s what they keep telling us. Not bad a being paid twice us mugs the taxpayers are paying here and she gets the TV Company to pay her as well. What are the chances she might try claiming it as expenses as well. How much is the airfare to Australia. First Class of course What happened to that promise to allow the electorate to have the power to recall their MP/ This sounds a suitable case for it. Oh I forget that was another of the election promises that just got quietly swept under the carpet.

parliamentary information office:
If a woman has the talent, the dedication, the determination, the stamina and an extremely thick skin, - plus an understanding and supportive family, of course she can become an MP and barge her way to the political peak. Maggie Thatcher did - and as far as I know she did it on her own merits and without the assistance of a "skirt" quota. The sad truth is that very few women possess many or all of the above attributes and even less have the ability to betray their own convictions to toe a party line, break promises, lie and cheat and sell their souls purely for financial gain. I don't know what it takes to become a professor of politics and gender - and I'm even less understanding of why such a person should consider woman in politics to be an elevation to their status above and beyond their traditional roll of being the commonsense and control portion of the male love affair with achievement and power. BTW, - I am a mere man - with respect and fear of the powerful influence a female holds over a male journey to the summit of her ambitions.

Parliamentary Information Office for Parliament job updates.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Disease Threat

parliamentary information office: “Lessons need to be learnt
from this. It seems there were questions being raised in Brussels about this
disease that were never pursued to a conclusion.”
Questions not pursued by Brussels or Westminster on Ash tree fungus, immigration, human rights, agriculture and Fisheries. All paid for via generous subsidies and fat cat salaries for the elites.
Will the same tears be shed when indigenous Europeans are a threatened species, when humans are threatened?

parliamentary information office: why should the fungus not have the right to survive, the bigotry of the Ash tree fanatics should be investigated as a hate crime by the police.

parliamentary information office: These outbreaks are always unfortunate but I'd be more concerned about the recent reports of a similar fate which might affect indiginous oak species.
The Ash is not exactly the most attractive woodland tree & has proliferated widely since the Elm was decimated by Dutch Elm Disease.
We have several in neighbouring gardens & if they do succumb to 'dieback' I shan't be shedding any tears if they are cut down.

parliamentary information office: Its the way of the world with mass transit of stuff and people, its the sign of things to come , look at the Himalayan balsam and jap knot weed growing with gay abandon  . This fungus won't kill all the trees and evolution will ensure the resistant will survive and reproduce.

Parliamentary information office is significant resource to get political guide.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Parliamentary Enquiry

parliamentary information office: There are people living in Britain today who will go hungry or live in cold conditions because they cannot afford heating while this man and others of his ilk STEAL our money. We must demand that he is fully investigated and prosecuted. We must also end 'Parliamentary Privilege'....immediately.

parliamentary information office: "I have received so many messages supporting me from Labour and Tory MPs as well as members of the public but I love the House of Commons and I hope by resigning I can serve by showing that MPs must take responsibility for their mistakes and accept the consequences of being in breach of the House rules".
Unfortunately there are not many messages of support on this site, but I'm sure you'll find lots of other like minded people to support you  if you ever reach prison, which is where you deserve to be.

parliamentary information office: Am I correct in thinking that if the Commons withholds details of MacShanes fiddling it would in effect block any police investigation?If so this is intolerable, a law making body protecting one of their own from the consequences of his law breaking.Knowing about M.P.s and their cavalier attitude to the public purse I am not surprised.There is any irony in the MacShane case the committee chairman who found against him Kevin Barron was involved in a house renting scam with another M.P.Barron makes my case regarding the M.P.s and the public purse,it's there to be ripped off.
MacShane deserves all he gets,what a pity two other  fiddlers Laws and £35,000 expenses ' mistake' Francis Maude escaped and were welcomed into government by David Cameron.Maude claimed £35,000 on a mortgage for a flat while renting out a house he owned nearby.MacShane is punished for his fiddling, Laws and Maude escape, why ,Cameron insiders? As Cameron lets them off I ask what is the difference between Cameron and the 'fiddlers three'?

parliamentary information office: When is he going to repay the money he stole from me and the rest of our law-abiding taxpayers?

I would hope that his political party now washes its hands of him and not give him some other job via the back door.

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