Thursday, 27 December 2012

Tough Immigration Controls and Scientists

Parliamentary Information Office updates: More to the point we discourage our own science  postgrads  from continuing  in research. In general there is no way to earn enough money to get married, buy a house or start a family. Grants are short term and you have to spend more time on applying for them than you do on your research.
The system is absolutely pathetic.

Parliamentary Information Office updates: If there were corporate headquarters in Britain with research facilities and budgets that paid applied scientists a living wage then there might be some credability to his words.

Manuafacturing left a generation ago and university applied science programmes have been closing ever since.

Valuable article on parliamentary information office

Thursday, 20 December 2012

About the Core Principles

Parliamentary Information Shares on Internet: Strangely enough I was under the impression that MPs were supposed to represent the people that elected them. Some are trying hard to tell DC that their electorate don't want the EU, want strict controls on immigration, want a fairer welfare system and don't want gay marriages. That's not being selfish. DC seems oblivious to the real feeling of the country and is selfishly pursuing his own agenda.

Parliamentary Information Shares on Internet: An organisation always gets it's character from the top in my experience and I have never seen a UK which  has been more full of  hypocrisy than this one.Every day we get examples of this.  People who were born rich, have a lifestyle which they have not earned, never cease to tell the rest of us that austerity is good for you. There is no gain without pain apart from for them. There is even this wind baggery from those who were born poor but now rich and consider themselves above the frey. There is a cost to all this moral hazzard and that is the corruption of the state.

useful parliamentary information office articles

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Business Advisory Panel

Parliamentary Information Shares on Internet: "We're busy doing nothing,
Working the whole day through.
Trying to find lots of things not to do.
We're busy going nowhere,
Isn't it just a crime,
We'd like to be unhappy but,
We never do have the time"

Parliamentary Information Shares on Internet:  Another added that it was “bizarre” that the shake-up followed criticism by the Advisory Panel of the Coalition’s strategies.'

Absolutely par for the course for the odious Cameron - he cannot take any form of criticism whatsoever - the Bullingdon boys know it all.

Other new various news resource as parliamentary information office Review website.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Shipping: our lifeline

Parliamentary Information Shares on Internet: Ours is an island nation wholly dependent upon our maritime industry and some 90+% of the world's
goods are carried by sea safely and in an environmentally friendly way. Yet it only hits the headlines when there is some form of tragedy ... oil spill, wreck or piracy. The publishers of the Parliamentary Yearbook intend to do their best to remedy this lack of good news are including a series of reports on the importance of our marine industry within the next edition. They will be covering maritime companies from all sectors of the business and I am pleased to report that my organisation will be one of only six charterers featured. I wish that more publications would give shipping the credit it

Parliamentary Information Office online shares more updates as informative news.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Taxes On Shopping And Household

Parliamentary Information on Internet: Taxes, environmental subsidies, rip off energy, utility and public transport companies.
Britain is being ripped of by the state, big business and environmental zealots and if it doesn't change this country will fall apart.

Parliamentary Information on Internet:  Right from the start of this government, Osbourne has has two priorities. Cut capital expenditure, raise as many taxes as possible. Everything else is too difficult for him to contemplate.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Families’ Pay And Benefits

Parliamentary Information on Internet: Over 53% of households get more from taxpayers than they pay in taxes. It can’t go on but are they likely to vote for it to stop?

Parliamentary Information on Internet: The holes in the budget, and the Chancellor using the OBR guess of what the deficit might be for 2012-13, to boast that he has reduced it, are just another total deception.

This follows the wrong claims by David Cameron and Jeremy Hunt that spending on the NHS has risen since 2010.  The chairman of the UK Statistics Authority, Andrew Dilnot, has had to write to these gentlemen to get them to correct their figures, which ignore the Treasury statistics.

Parliamentary Information Office Website

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Commercial property in Parliament’s handbook

Avi Barr, head of Leases for Landlords has been approached by the producers of the Parliamentary Yearbook to provide some editorial comment. The Parliamentary Yearbook is referred to in Parliamentary debates and is supplied to members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords as well as key – industry figures. The focus of this year’s handbook is urban regeneration and
renewal and the producers are keen to obtain a commercial property perspective that we can offer as a result of our unique focus on driving forward the commercial property letting market from a legal standpoint.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Mortgage Deal Discussion

Parliamentary Information on Internet: When the FLS ends, (which it will soon) unless its triggered some kind of mega recovery in house buying it will be back to usual on the rate front.

Potentially dangerous if the low rates persuade first time buyers to dip their toes in the market and inevitably leading to a yet longer depression in the house market.

The only true way forwards is a real correction in house prices which by my calculations hasn't really happened yet, another 5 yo 7 years of stagnation will see to that in real terms, or a further 20% drop in nominal prices. In the meantime these gimmicks do nothing but generate headlines.

Parliamentary Information on Internet: Remember, remember, unless your in the M25 belt, the chances of your home not being in negative equity in the next 3-5 years is SLIM.

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