Parliamentary Information Office updates: More to the point we discourage our own science postgrads from continuing in research. In general there is no way to earn enough money to get married, buy a house or start a family. Grants are short term and you have to spend more time on applying for them than you do on your research.
The system is absolutely pathetic.
Parliamentary Information Office updates: If there were corporate headquarters in Britain with research facilities and budgets that paid applied scientists a living wage then there might be some credability to his words.
Manuafacturing left a generation ago and university applied science programmes have been closing ever since.
Valuable article on parliamentary information office
The system is absolutely pathetic.
Parliamentary Information Office updates: If there were corporate headquarters in Britain with research facilities and budgets that paid applied scientists a living wage then there might be some credability to his words.
Manuafacturing left a generation ago and university applied science programmes have been closing ever since.
Valuable article on parliamentary information office