Thursday 2 February 2012

The Parliamentary Yearbook Information

The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on the economic importance of our maritime and subsea industries in the next edition

The Parliamentary Yearbook has been produced for almost 40 years and serves as an essential reference work for the Members and the staff of both Houses of Parliament, for all those who do business with the Palace of Westminster and for a wider audience in both public and private sectors.

It is a book of  two halves, one half  carrying purely factual information about Parliament and the other structured around a series of features covering topical and, in many cases, contentious issues of the day. The features are based on a mixture of fact, opinion and speculation but are essentially non-political.

Each feature is headed by a key Government, Parliamentary or public sector figure who tends  to put the "party" line. Other contributions are sought from relevant persons within the business, social and public arenas, those who are likely to have a valid contribution to make on a given topic and whose opinions will be valued in a debate.

So whilst editorial contributions must, of necessity, have a commercial value for the contributor, it is unwise to restrict a contribution to a corporate "puff". It is important to give the reader, who is sufficiently sophisticated to recognise an "advertorial", valid cause to "read on".

The following notes are for guidance only:-

    *  Try to concentrate on topical subjects but bear in mind that the book has a 1 year shelf life
    * Do not offer solutions without outlining the problem
    * Discuss the problem in "market" or broad terms
    * The audience is a powerful one and it is appropriate to use the editorial space for (non-political) lobbying
    * Use a powerful headline, descriptive of the content
    * Break the editorial, where possible, with sub heads
    * Where practical back expressed opinion with documented fact
    * Provide a clear author's by-line with job title, company name and contact details

Additional assistance can be given by our in-house editorial staff. Do not hesitate to call if we can help but do bear in mind that our editorial staff are not experts in your field.

This was submitted by the Parliamentary Information Office. For more information on the Parliamentary Information Office please visit &

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